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Craft from the Heart

Sharing Constellation Cacao products is a way to express my deep gratitude for nature, the people and Life. Let’s celebrate together!

Choose by country

Each country offers us the best of their land. Discover their flavours and pulsing energies.

Benefits of consuming pure ceremonial grade cacao


Superfood for your Body & Mind
Great source of antioxidants, high intake of magnesium, highest plant based source of iron.

Boost & Focus
Improve cardiovascular health, increase brain and cognitive levels, sharpen your mind, boost energy level, stimulate central nervous system.


Calm & Balance
The bliss chemicals (theobromine, anandamide) help emotional release and relaxation.

Support your Journey Inward
Smooth connection with yourself, nourishing your inner beauty, feeling of deeper and more authentic love.

Choose by energy

We are vibrational beings of light and energy. Around us everything is energy. Within the body, it is moved based on our thoughts and feelings via web of connections – the fascia, the meridians, the chakras.

The five elements (air, water, fire, earth, ether) also play a role in the balance of energies. It’s interconnecting us with nature and our environment.

Each center is linked to a polarity, a power. It can be unbalanced or dysfunctional.

Marie-Amélie has created the cacao wheel according to her connection with the different cacao. Have a look and find back balance and wellbeing.

What our customers say

I have purchased Marie’s cacao several times, and I must say I love the variety, but I am especially fond of the cacao from Peru 🇵🇪 as it reminds me of my travels there.

I spoke to you yesterday in Alaro and bought the Belize Bar, really enjoyed the process, taste and overall experience this morning. Thank you for informing me.

Love this cacao (Thrilling Belize) Clean, tasty, handmade. A real boost for your body, mind and spirit.

The most heart opening cacao I ever tried.

I love your cocoa! It has something special. I just got some cocoa from Ecuador and Peru but yours is much more potent or at least, it reaches me with more depth. Thank you.

« Mother Earth beneath our feet reminds us that she carries us, supports us and gives us life with every step we take on her skin.

The Father Sun enlightens us, gives us light to enlighten us and produce life by fertilising the Earth.

It’s one thing to know it, it’s another to live it, to become the Tree of Life, the thread that links Heaven and Earth ».

Extract from the book « The Circle of Life » by Maud Séjournant

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